Total Solar Eclipse moment is so Beautiful

Total Solar Eclipse is a natural phenomenon that is very rare. Fortunately for us who had felt, watching, enjoying the natural phenomenon of this one.

One of the fascinating natural attractions This extremely rare and occurred in 1983 ago and just happened in March 2016, with a very different atmosphere. If in 1983 the GMT was greeted with a sense of anxiety, but the Total Solar Eclipse in March 2016 was greeted with a sense of joy and awe.

This incident was so beautiful, the bright state suddenly became dark like night with the appearance of some of the stars in the sky to make the atmosphere more stunning eclipse and a little tense. A cricket was fooled by this natural state and start singing just thinking it was already evening.

No wonder if the foreign tourists flocked to the archipelago to witness this special fonomena. The tourists have also come up with various intents and purposes, there were only want to capture special moments, also wanted to do a more in-depth obserasi and observations related to the of this Total Solar Eclipse phenomena. Some tourists even build special settlements Tourists in Palu, Central Sulawesi which became the center of the phenomenon of a total solar eclipse.

Total Solar Eclipse

No words to describe the beauty of a total solar eclipse, it just WOW!!

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